Friday, May 15, 2009

Troubled Sleep

The dreams about boy are back with a vengeance. They aren’t so helpful. I’m avoiding sleep…

A think think think. A think think think. A think think think think goes my brain.

Take a breath, lie down, loving kindness. Take a breath, lie down, loving kindness. 

A think think think. A think think think, A think think think think goes my head. 

There are lots of owies, and there are lots of smiles, and there are lots of scrunched noses, and there are lots of raised eyebrows, but only a few puckered lips.

Mr. Negator is heading up the elevator now. I’m working on flipping the switch that sends him back down, or maybe just turns the elevator off. Not now Mr. Negator. I’m busy. I have an appointment with contentment.

Anyhoo… bedtime has arrived.

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